FSU logo    Declaration/Change of Major

Once you submit a Declaration of Major or Change of Major, if you have not received an email notification of acceptance or denial of your chosen program within 3 to 5 business days, please contact the department chair of your intended major.

Effective Immediately: Adding a minor to your degree is no longer covered by the GI Bill. If you have questions, please contact Janet Polk at veterans@uncfsu.edu.

A quick guide on how to use Change/Declare major.

First-Time Freshmen Students who enter the University as first-time freshmen are required to complete the online Declaration of Major form in the second semester of their freshmen year.

Transfer Students Transfer students must complete the online Declaration of Major form in their first semester of enrollment.

Online Degree-Completion Students Students who wish to complete their degree online must declare an online degree-completion (ODC) major. Courses in ODC majors will be reserved for ODC students, and students will get a prerequisite test score error if they try to register for an ODC online course without having declared an online degree-completion major (online courses that are not a part of an ODC program will not have this restriction). On the Declaration of Major page, the ODC program is listed under the main campus program. In addition to the individual program requirements, students must have completed the University College Core Curriculum or be dual enrolled with a community college in order to be accepted to an online degree-completion major. The new process for online courses and the list of online degree-completion majors can be found at http://www.uncfsu.edu/onlineeducation.

Non-Degree Seeking Students Non-degree seeking students cannot declare a major until their status is changed to degree seeking.

Declare your Major

Change your Major